Tuesday 1 March 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Just HAD to Buy...But Are Still Sitting on My Bookshelf

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish which I am taking part in. This week’s Top Ten is Top Ten Books I Just HAD to Buy...But Are Still Sitting on My Bookshelf.

The books I have listed range quite wildly from some classics to some random pulpy type novels that I just felt I had to buy on the spur of the moment.

Foundation - Isaac Asimov
A lot of my friends raved on and on about the Foundation series and how I had to read them. I therefore did go out and buy this “must have” and it has sat on my shelf ever since. The problem is that for all the people telling me how great it is, the story synopsis has never been able to grab my interest enough to read it.
Motorworld - Jeremy Clarkson
I flew to Belfast on work and whilst waiting at the airport I decided to pick up a Jeremy Clarkson book and read it on the flight home. I know people either hate him or love him, but I find some of his rants rather amusing and found the book very enjoyable. I therefore quickly went out and picked up another one his novels hoping for more of the same but have just never found the time to read it.
The Last Vampire - Christopher Pike
Anyone who read my first ever book review on this blog will know that Christopher Pike was my author of choice as a youngster and it was his books that really introduced me to the joy of reading. A few months ago, I was actually discussing this with a woman I car share with and she mentioned how she had also read Christopher Pike books, particularly The Last Vampire series of books, these were books I never read. After reading a little bit more it seemed that this series seemed to be one of the most popular Christopher Pike collections so I decided I had to pick the first one up. Since then it has sat there always getting pushed back for some other read.
A Lion Among Men - Gregory Maguire
I read “Wicked”, the first in the Oz series of novels by Gregory Maguire after hearing the soundtrack from the broadway show. I loved it so much that I felt I had to go out and buy the next two novels. Unfortunately, the second novel, “Son of a Witch” didn’t really bring out the same enjoyment and therefore I have never found the desire to now read the third.
Hunters of Dune - Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson
I loved the original Dune series when I was younger and when I heard his son had decided to conclude the story I felt I had to pick up the book. The problem is that I read the original set so long ago that I want to read them again before I start on this one. As I have read them before I always end up putting original reads before them.
A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin
I heard about the new HBO series being made and looked into it further. What I read made me really keen to pick up the book that the series was based on so that’s what I did. What then happened was I found out it was the first in a series that had been waiting for the latest instalment for quite a long time. I have therefore left this one alone until I actually find out when the series will continue.
Star Trek Enterprise The Romulan War: Beneath the Raptor's Wing - Michael A. Martin
I am a bit of a Star Trek fan and I was one of the few people who seemed to like Star Trek Enterprise. When I found out that they were going to do a set of novels about the first Romulan War I just felt I had to pick the first one up. Alas, it has sat there since and this Meme may actually drive me to go pick it up and give it a read.
Halo is a great game, it also has quite a good sci-fi storyline in my opinion and I was really interested in reading the prequel to the games. I therefore went out and picked it up and placed it on my shelf where it has just sat there since.
I read “American Gods” by Neil Gaiman which I completed very quickly and then found out there was another book featuring one of the characters. I enjoyed the first one so much that I wanted to find out more about what happened to this character and went out and got a hold of “Anansi Boys”.
The Dark Tower - Stephen King
The Dark Tower series of novels was something I enjoyed hugely and when the final one came out I went out quickly to pick it up. At the same time however, my future wife moved in with me and I never got around to actually reading it.

Anyway, I would be hugely shocked if any of you have similar books like mine in this category but feel free to let me know!


  1. Prepare to be jolted by 120 volts. :-)

    I have Motorworld sitting on my shelf, am also Trek fan and have read the first Last Vampire book.

  2. "A Game of Thrones" is a really great book imo so are the next 3 parts of the series. Martin should really finish the next one :/ Seriously if I recall he was supposed to be finished back in 08. Anyway you really should get it off that shelf :P

    A funny thing about "The Fall of Reach" I read it, it was fairly enjoyable but now two years later I recall nothing from the book I'm not even sure who was the main character ....

  3. I also own Foundation and haven't read it yet either. I didn't even get into the Star Trek series books I haven't read yet. I used to buy and read them as soon as they were released. Then I got behind and I'm so obsessive about reading in order that I'm not sure I will ever catch up.

  4. Glad to hear I am not the only person out there with the type of book list :-)
