Tuesday 11 October 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Wish I Could Read Again For The First Time

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish which I am taking part in. 

This weeks Top Ten was actually a little bit of a challenge for me. Mainly due to the fact that when I really sat down and thought about it, I would probably love to read everything again for the first time. Nearly every book has that little something that you can never get back once you complete it. However, I was able to find ten that left a mark of my reading life more than any others and I think it is them that I would love to read again for the first time. Anyway, they are listed below;

The Lord of The Rings by JRR Tolkien
To get back the joy and interest of reading this Epic Fantasy series for the first time would be superb.

The Gap Series by Stephen Donaldson
Probably still my all time favourite Space Opera series, the manner in which the cruel villian could become an anti-hero who you wanted to win and felt sorry for is superb.

Monster by Christopher Pike
The book that ignited my love for reading when I was a young teen, I would really enjoy having that early feeling of "Wow, this reading thing is great" back again

The Stand by Stephen King
An amazing Dystopian Apocalyptic novel that I loved as a teen which had so many moments of suspense, drama and chills.

Magician by Raymond E Fiest
The Riftwar Saga seems to have gone on for ever, but this was the first book in the collection and by the far the most magical as you get introduced to a great world and great characters

Sahara by Clive Cussler
A book that introduced me to a new genre, I loved the excitement, thrills and action alongside a little bit of humour

Mort by Terry Pratchett
I still remember having this book recommended to me by a friend, James Gould, I salute you! It introduced me to the amazingly funny Discworld.

Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling
When I first read this, I couldn't believe the fun, enjoyment and excitement available in this magical world.

It by Stephen King
Another Stephen King book, but this book was so amazingly powerful and memorable that I still have vivid memories of what it was like reading it.

War of the Worlds by HG Wells
I picked this up at the library and it was brilliant, it showed me that the classic novels could be just as exciting, inventive as anything modern.

So feel free to share you own thoughts and ideas on this topic. I suspect some of these may be in your own list, but there maybe some that I have never heard of.


  1. I came to Discworld late in life, and so there are lots and lots of books remaining in the series that I could still read. Maybe for the same reason that I'm not a Rereader, I'm not much of a Reader of Entire Series.

  2. The Stand is a good one. I really should have added that to my list this week, too.

  3. I put both LoTR and Harry Potter on my list. I also included The Shining, but based on what you said, I'm going to have to check out The Stand.

    Here's my Top Ten

  4. I thought of Christopher Pike as I was making my list as well. I couldn't think of a particular title, but I was addicted to those books as a teen.

    Come visit my list at The Scarlet Letter.
