Friday 28 October 2011

Halloween Hop

Well I decided to post something here in regards to the Halloween Hop that is running from 28th October to 31st October although there isn't any actual requirement. If any of you are interested in finding some more blogs involved in the hop then go check out the hosting site "Jeremy Bates Blog".

I am mainly going to use this post though to talk about some Halloween related facts about myself and hope that it may open some debate;

2011 Halloween Costume: Pirate
Favourite Horror Movie: The Evil Dead
Favourite Horror Novel: Phantoms by Dean Koontz
Favourite Horror Video Game: Aliens Vs Predator 2
Favourite Horror TV Show: Supernatural
Favourite Horror Board Game: Atmosfear

Anyway, as a little extra, here is a photograph of my wife and I in the pirate costumes that we are wearing tonight at a Ghost Tour & Party.

So why don't some of you tell me some Halloween related facts about yourselves.


  1. Its the candy that draws me to Halloween. LOL

    I gotta say, the 1963 version of The Haunting is the scariest movie for me.
    As far as fave costume: I scare myself every day I look in the mirror :P

  2. Hello! (((((hugs)))))

    It’s so awesome to visit your lovely blog today on this Halloween blog hop. I think this is an awesome opportunity to meet other authors! I’m joining your blog and I hope you’ll join mine, too, so we can learn more about one another.
    My favorite monster movie is Night of the Living Dead and I’m dressing up as a mime. Mime is one of the most ancient forms of theatre, appearing around the time of the Greek tragedies. I hope to perfect the art and technique of portraying a mood, idea, or narration by gestures and bodily movements. The only problem is…that I have a big mouth! LOL. It’s so nice to meet you!


    P.S. I’d love to connect with you online!
    My blog link is Facebook link is:!/chrissy.peebles1
    My twitter link is:!/ChrissyPeebles1

  3. That's such a great photo! This Halloween blog hop's been so fun so far!

  4. Halloween Hop!
    Hi! The scariest book I've ever read was "IT". It reached deep into my subconsciousness and scared the heck out of me! For Halloween I'll be dragging out my Elmo snuggy for my couch potato costume.


  5. Hopping on over. I want your costume! I want to dress as a pirate, but haven't went shopping yet LOL! Have fun trick or treating matey!

  6. Happy Halloween Hop, Killie ;) Glad to *meet* you and see that you share an appreciation for group costumes! My personal favorite was the year my boyfriend dressed up as a man dressed up like a woman to snag a seat on a lifeboat off the Titanic and I went as the drowned woman who’s seat he stole. Yeah, nobody got it.

  7. Great picture! I love to dress up for Halloween, but sadly, my husband doesn't share the enthusiasm. I did get him to dress up with me once. He painted his face like a skeleton and our one year old screamed anytime he got near him because he didn't recognize daddy!
    Just stopping by from the Halloween Hop! Hope you have a fun Halloween weekend!

  8. Dropping by for the Halloween hop :-)

    My favourite scary movie or book...erm well i'm not really a fan of anything scary to be honest lol! A total wimp! Though i did manage to sit through Sleepy Hollow- Johnny Depp had a lot to do with that :-D

    This year i won't be dressing up until next month when i go and visit my sister in Scotland. Not a clue what i'm going to wear

    New follower here :-)


  9. how awesome!
    thanks for the pic, hope you had fun!
    HaPpY HaLLoWeeN!

  10. great picks!!
    one of my all time favorite horror novels was phantoms... i stayed up all night at a sleepover reading it! lol
    and im a big fan of army of darkness.............
    nice meeting and hope to see u around!
    cheers and thanks for participating in the HOP

  11. The collections of different scary movie related to a topic.
