Sunday 16 October 2011 - A Philanthropic Book Related Website

I recently recieved an email from Bradley S. Wirz, Founder & CEO of Gone Read­ing Inter­na­tional, LLC. He asked me if I could bring the website to the attention of my blog readers and highlight to you all that 100% of their prof­its go to fund new read­ing libraries in the devel­op­ing world, as well as other lit­er­acy projects.

I have to admit that normally I don't tend to post requests like that, however, once I read a little about the company I felt I should put something up on my blog. Because, in my opinion, any person, group or company that wishes to try and spread the joy of reading to those who can not normally access books deserves to be mentioned.

Anyway, GoneReading fea­tures many book­ related gifts which have orig­i­nal designs and slo­gans that should appeal to any book lovers out there. So if you are looking for gifts or something for yourself then please go and check out their won­der­ful col­lection and know that if you could be helping the less fortunate experience a joy that many of us take for granted.


  1. Very interesting.
    I've bookmarked it for some Christmas shopping later. Thanks for making us aware of it.

  2. Yeah, I am thinking about getting a few Christmas presents from here myself.
