Tuesday 12 July 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Author's I Would Die to Meet

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish which I am taking part in. 

I have to admit I have been getting quite bad at making sure I post something for Top Ten Tuesday. This week though I actually set a reminder on my calendar to make sure I was ready for it, so lets get down to the list of top ten author's I would die to meet. (As a note, I wouldn't actually die to meet any author as I would then be dead and therefore the conversation wouldn't be up to much)

1. Christopher Pike
Christopher Pike is actually a pseudonym for author Kevin Christopher McFadden but I would meet this man under any name. He was the author that really ignited my love for books and therefore I would want to meet him and thank him for this.

2. JRR Tolkien
I always think of him as the father of modern fantasy. His novels helped create the massive selection of books that I enjoy to this day and I really want to find out what inspired him to create Middle Earth in all it's detailed glory.

3. HG Wells
Wells created some of my all time favourite classic Sci-Fi novels and it "War of the Worlds" that got me really hooked on aliens, space and all things Sci-Fi. He really had a superb imagination for what the future could hold.

4. Terry Pratchett
Any man that can write as humours and entertaining books as he does must be a great laugh to meet and talk with. The times he has come to the local bookstores I have usually not been able to make it although my parents did when I was younger and managed to get a fair few of my Discworld books signed.

5. Carl Sagan
I have to admit I have only ever read one of his books (Contact) but from what I have heard about this man, he was a thoroughly decent and intelligent man. He helped bring science and knowledge to the public, I would love to meet him and say thank you for this.

6. Sir Walter Scott
This man loved Scotland, his novels and stories also helped make many others fall in love with this land that they had never seen. I just want to meet the man who seemed to care so much for his country and created what must be some of the first ever Historical Fiction novels.

7. Tom Clancy
This man got me hooked on thrillers and has written some really suspenseful novels that I would love to discuss with him. I also want to actually sit down and ask him if he really has been involved in all the seemingly hundreds of books, films, games, etc. that include his name.

8. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
How this man could create the great Sherlock Holmes and foresee so many of the forensic science techniques we now use for granted astound me. I just think he must have been a truly remarkable man to have envisioned what he did and would love to meet him.

9. Robert Burns
The Scottish Bard was born not far from my own place of birth and was another man who strove to record and capture the culture of Scotland in his songs, poems and other writings. For crying out loud, he wrote "Auld Lang Syne" which seems to be sung all around the English speaking world on New Years Eve, this man had global reach. Anyway, I just would love to actually sit and have a Burns Supper with him; he could sing "Scots Wha Hae" and give the "Address to a Haggis" himself.

10. Roald Dahl
He created some truly memorable children's stories that I remember fondly from my childhood. I would want to thank him for this and discuss how it will be his books that I want my own children to read and enjoy.


  1. I'd also like to meet Robert Ludlum and Ian Fleming. Some famous historians as well.


  2. @Man of la Book
    Those are two authors I think would be interesting to meet.

    It is amazing who you forget about when you write these types of list!

  3. A very thoughtful list. It's funny, I purposely left Conan Doyle off my own list because of his later attitude towards Holmes. But, in truth, I'd have loved to have met him earlier, when he was still enthusiastic about his creation.

    Carl Sagan, someone I could have easily listed if only my memory had worked properly. :)

    H.F. Wells, too.

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  5. Ah, Terry Pratchett. He's the best! I haven't read a whole lot of his writings, but my first brush with him was through the book he wrote with Neil Gaiman, Good Omens. Hysterical and awesome. I've also enjoyed the live-action and cartoon adaptations of some of his Discworld stories. I gotta get my hands on those.

  6. I would have to go with Tom Clancy and HG Wells...for very different reasons. I have always enjoyed compelling writing - but have turned toward a love of nonfiction as I get older.

