Friday 29 July 2011

Book Blogger Hop #3

Book Blogger Hop Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Crazy for Books

This week’s question is;

Highlight one book you have received this week (for review, from the library, purchased at the store, etc.) that you can’t wait to dig into!

The only book I have recieved this week is actually "Piglet's Big Movie" by Ronnie Randall which is basically the Disney movie of the same name being told in a rather basic book format. It was a birthday present for my 2 year old daugher who loves Piglet so I am looking forward to reading it to her as I know it will put a huge smile on her face!


  1. Can't be sad about receiving a book about Piglet and Pooh, I think.

    Here's my Book Blogger Hop and Follow Friday for this week:
    BBH and FF: Bonjour! Enchanté! ¡Buenos días!
    And I hope you will stop in to throw your hat into the ring for my July Giveaway! Win a $25 Amazon gift card!

  2. I’ve seen a lot of interesting shirts on the different blogs. With the non-stop coverage of debt ceiling doomsday I’ve got to show you the t-shirt that describes me to a tee – at least this week! Follow me back to my blog and prepare to fall out of your chair laughing –

    We’ve just gotta laugh, right? Life’s too short after all!

    Thank God it’s Follow Friday!

    Howard Sherman

  3. Yay for reading together! I've posted a picture of an adorable baby pickle. It's an illustration from the book I'm highlighting. Please come see what book I'm reading!

  4. Have you seen the newest movie? "Pinnie the Wooh" is very popular in my house right now. LOL. Blog Hop & Follow Friday!

  5. I loved this week’s question! I’ve made so many friends in the book blog world and am really impressed with so many blogs it was hard to hunker down and make a choice.

    But I did it! I’m shining the spotlight on a Jersey girl! Hop on over to my blog at to find out who she is and discover her amazing book blog.

    Howard Sherman, Implementor
