Wednesday 21 September 2011

In The Dunes - John Leahy

Title: In The Dunes
Author: John Leahy
Genre: Horror
Published: 2011
Formats: Ebook

Available at:
Amazon UK

In The Dunes is a short horror story about Neil Marshall, a retired banker from the US who is on a golfing holiday in Ireland with his friend Cliff. During one of their games, Cliff manages to send his ball into some dunes that lie behind one of the greens. Neil waits as Cliff ventures into the dunes, never to return. Neil then begins a search and talks to locals and the authorities as he tries to uncover what has happened to his friend and what is actually hidden in the dunes.

I found this short story to be a quick and entertaining read although I do think that some of the possible suspense was limited. This was mainly due to the fact that the secret hidden in the dunes was uncovered in a rather detailed way slightly earlier than I would have expected . However, this was a minor issue and in a short story like this there probably wasn't much more the author could have done really. I also felt that Leahy has a good writing style and I did enjoy the earlier stages of the book wondering what could actually be hidden in the dunes.

In summary, if you are after a quick read for an evening that will provide a few creepy moments then pick this short story up. For myself, I look forward to reading more from John Leahy in the future and am interested to see what type of story he could create if he had a full length novel to work with.


  1. Wow - that short story looks like a novel from that fancy cover that I see. Might be better to put something like that in a collection and make it worth buying.

    Mac Campbell

  2. Yeah, I liked the cover, I have seen some terrible covers on full length novels so seeing one like this on a short story was nice.

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