Tuesday 26 April 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Mean Girls In Books

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish which I am taking part in. This weeks Top Ten was Mean Girls In Books.

I wouldn't say that all of the characters in my list below are either "Mean" or "girls" exactly, but they are the female characters that I want to slap around with a wet fish for various reasons.

Nynaeve al'Meara - Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan
To be honest I think Robert Jordan's female characters are all pretty annoying and I think this is down to the author himself. However, Nynaeve was by far the most annoying, she seems to moan and complain all the time about other people and then goes ahead and exhibits the exact same tendencies that she has been moaning about just a few minutes earlier.

Bella Swan - Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer
I hated this obnoxious, shallow, irelevant character in both the books and the films. The ways she messes around Jacob and Edward is rediculous and it is the type of actions that in many other stories would normally make you one of the villains, not the heroins.

Dolores Umbridge - Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling
I suspect this nasty woman will make it onto many other lists. She just came across as being cruel and vindictive; I wish Harry had just punched her one.

Mrs Coulter - His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman
This woman came across as a rather unfeeling mother, who didn't deserve the child she had.

Lady Macbeth - Macbeth by William Shakespeare
This ambitious and ruthless woman plans the murder of the King and belittles her husband until he is finally won over to her plans.

Veruca Salt - Charlie & The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
I think this is the first female character in a novel that I really disliked. She is conceited, bratty and I am so glad she gets her comeuppance in the novel.

Morriel - Wars of Light & Shadow series by Janny Wurts
This leader of the Koriani Order which was supposedly founded on Mercy is both manipulative and corrupt. She is probably one of the few unredeemable characters in this series, with her possession of another human being showing us what she is really capable of.

Cat - Commonwealth Saga by Peter F. Hamilton
This criminal woman, who helps save humanity in the first series of novels, shows her true colours in the 2nd Series. Her sadistic actions and her willingness to kill any number of people to achieve a goal is rather disturbing. She even destroys an entire planet, just to kill one person! She needs way more than just a slapping!

Astrid - Gone Series by Michael Grant
I am sorry but she is so self-righteous, it irritates me! She is bossy and besides being "smart" she has no real redeeming features.

Alexa - Die Softly by Christopher Pike
This attractive cheerleader is one pretty sick individual. She manages to set in motion a murderous plan that seems to end up killing everyone she knows. Nasty girl!


  1. Mrs Coulter made my list too and Mrs Umbridge was a close contender. It's funny how many people I have seen add Bella Swan to their list. You are right though she does mess about those who love her. I only vaguely remember Cat from the Commonwealth saga.

  2. Veruca was the first mean girl I thought of when I found out what the topic was this week. Great list!


  3. @Karen Bella just plain annoys me! My wife finds it hilarious watching me when one of the Twilight films is on now as I glare with rage at her.

  4. @Sophia It actually took me a little bit to think of Veruca. But she must be one of the first mean girls many people were introduced to in novels. I will go check out your list now!

  5. Veruca and Lady Macbeth totally slipped my mind this time around. It's just been too long since I read them, but of course they are the epitome of mean!

  6. Dolores made my list too. I hated how she needed absolute power and always handed out her punishment with her 'sweet' demeanor.

  7. I'm standing up and applauding your choice of Bella--I hate that girl. Kaye—the road goes ever ever on

  8. You listed good!

    Check out my bad girls in my Top Ten post!

  9. Love the wet fish comment. Great choices for your list. I didn't even think of Umbridge. She's so aweful!

  10. Your comments on Veruca could have been written by me. I think she was the first mean girl for many of us to hate.

    Rachel-Endless Reading

  11. Love this list! Thanks for sharing. Villians and mean girls are so essential in fiction to creating conflict and really dynamic characters. I just try to avoid them in real life.

    Thanks again--Miss GOP (your newest follower)

  12. Love your choices of Bella Swan and Lady MacBeth - big yes to both of those!
