Saturday 11 February 2012

Happy 1 Year Blogoversary to Me!

My blog first opened its doors to the pulbic one year ago without any real aim or target. I probably only started the blog to be a place to chat about the books I have read and any other book related topics that came to my head. I was filled with a little bit of trepidation however wasn't sure if I actually had the ability to write reviews that people would be able to follow, never mind be interested in.

However, a year later and I am still here with my posts receiving the odd comments and over 80 followers. Maybe not many compared to many other blogs out there, but as long as it appears some people are reading and discussing my posts then I feel that it has become what I wanted it to be.

For anyone interested, I thought I would share some of my year 1 stats.

Total Pageviews: 16,530
Top Three Visiting Nations: USA, UK & Germany
Review with the highest views: What Happened at Midnight
Total Number of books reviewed: 87
Number of Star Trek books reviewed: 9

I have to admit I have really enjoyed running the blog as it has made me delve deeper into books than I ever did before and has introduced me to many other interesting blogs, websites and people. Anyway, thank you all again for reading my blog and commenting over the year so that I didn't feel all alone in the big blogging world!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on a whole year!!! That is awesome:)
